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Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: lör jan 26, 2013 10:21 pm
av Phoenix

thanks for the links! we already cheked some of them :lol:

so here some photos

Denmark, Finland and Sweden

And this photo shows that we laike to play as though as we can, no matter the weather conditions))

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: lör jan 26, 2013 10:25 pm
av Finnen
As a tru Finn I demand you to change those godawful AKs to allmighty RKs instead (this message sponsored by G&G) :ugeek:
Other than that, wonderful to see some Finnish kit outside of Finland, keep it up guys :D

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: lör jan 26, 2013 10:36 pm
av Sabre
No problem Phoenix, glad to help you guys with your impressions (nice Pics btw). :)
As a fellow dood that makes a swdish impression, i think you guys are quit happy that the currently used Ak5C was just released in airsoft version? xD

Yup, agree with the Finn (as i myself is finnish) regarding the weaponloadout your finnish allies use(one is atleast using it).
Even though the battery compartment is a ain on that AEG, its still nice and make the impression so much better. :)

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: sön jan 27, 2013 6:08 am
av Phoenix
Finnen Sure thing, they are changing there guns, but it is way to hard to get an airsoftgun in to Russia from international airsoft sellers. So they buy them when they came here


Yeah sure we happy that AK5c is released. WE were talking with GG whol last year and asking them to do ak5c or a least some kit to make ak5c from ak5a

27 January 2013, 10:25:


here are the photoes with Valmets ;)

But it always shame for the mistakes, so here is Swidish tactical triple facepalm


Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: sön jan 27, 2013 9:00 am
av Sabre
Tactical facepalm! Win!
Guesst that happens too often when the finns scream "Hakkaa päälle" and charges into the enemy? xD

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: sön jan 27, 2013 9:03 am
av Phoenix

No it happens always when Finns doing something wrong. And it happens all the time. We even say sometimes "Do not be a finnish guy"

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: sön jan 27, 2013 11:20 am
av Sabre
Sounds like a fun happeing. :D

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: sön jan 27, 2013 11:46 am
av Finnen
Its always hard to be a Finn, when ones not a real one :D

Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: mån jan 28, 2013 12:01 pm
av Takolander
Awesome photos, Phoenix! What a nice surprise to see these players. Them guys playing as swedes got it right even down to their beards. And the finns look pretty amazing too (with that half mental stare - LOL)

Funny thing is I'm from Finland originally, but served in the swedish army and nowadays as I'm too old (lazy) for army-duty I've switched to airsoft...usually playing as russian. It's messed up ;)



Re: Russian Airsofters "Swedish impression"

Postat: mån jan 28, 2013 1:44 pm
av Phoenix

First kit is awsome!! good looking for the begining of second Chechen War